Office Hours:
Mon-Fri (except holidays)
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

On-Lot Sewage Disposal

With country living comes responsibility.  Chances are that you have chosen to live in the country because you cherish the peace and quiet, the wide open spaces, and the beauty of nature. However, with this enjoyment and independence often comes responsibility.  Most drinking water supply and sewage disposal in rural areas of York County is done on-lot. As a property owner, you are responsible for maintaining your drinking water well and septic systems.  Understanding how they are built, work, and how to keep them operating effectively and efficiently is good for your family’s health, your household budget, and the environment.  Replacing these systems can be expensive. If you own one of the thousands of septic systems in this county, someday you may have problems with it.  Effluent (wastewater from the septic tank) may back up into your plumbing or pond on your lawn. Besides being unsightly, a nuisance, and the cause of health problems, failing systems are often difficult and costly to fix.


Fairview Township is broken up into 4 septic zones.  Property Owners are required to pump out their septic tanks once every 4 years and are encouraged to complete the pumping as the septic zone map schedule directs.  Each zone is due for pumping as follows:
ZONE 4-2023
ZONE 1-2024
ZONE 2-2025
ZONE 3-2026
Click Here To View Fairview Township Map of Septic Zones


An application for an on-lot septic system is required for the following...
1. Repairing/replacing any component of an on-lot septic system.
2. Prior to conducting soil probes and percolation testing for a new system or existing system replacement.
3. All emergency repairs.
The application and instructions for completing it are available in the links below.  Even if the situation is an emergency the SEO should be contacted prior to performing any work.  Fairview Township’s primary SEO is Paul Rodrigo his contact info is:

Paul Rodrigo, Sewage Enforcement Officer
717.901.5298 – Office

If Mr. Rodrigo is unavailable Gary Morrow is the replacement SEO for Fairview Township, Mr. Morrow’s Contact Info is:
Gary Morrow

Form 3850-FM-BCW0290 - Application for On-Lot Sewage System Permit
Instructions to complete Form 3850-FM-BCW0290 for an On-Lot Sewage System Permit Application

The Solution

York County residents are invited to request a “Managing Your On-lot Disposal System” workshop in your community.  The York County Conservation District sponsors these programs each year in the spring and fall featuring leading local experts in septic system design, operation and maintenance, and sewerage regulation and enforcement. The program lasts approximately 2-hours.  Homeowners will have the opportunity to get basic information about septic system design, location, and construction; get expert advice on how to properly operate and maintain them; and learn about whom to call for help with a failing septic system. Bring your questions for our expert panel to answer.

Below are links for additional information on-lot septic systems:



FaiviewTownship Act 537 Approval Letter

