2024 Leaf Collection 
The 2024 leaf collection will start the week of October 28th with the last pick up day being December 6th. Please place your leaves along the curb by Monday morning and they will be picked up once a week.
Any questions regarding leaf collection please contact Keith Reynolds, Highway Foreman, by email at kreynolds@twp.fairview.pa.us or by phone at 717-901-5249.
Collected leaves before composting
Nearly 330 trucks loads of leaf material were collected by township staff in 2007 and piled in windrows at the facility to decompose
Township staff turning leaf compost with WILDCAT Compost Turner
The Wildcat Leaf Turner attaches to our loader via a quick coupler assembly. The Wildcat Turner was transferred from the York County Solid Waste and Refuse Authority to Fairview Township on March 13, 2007 for $1.00. The Wildcat Turner was purchased by York County in 1997 and was previously used at their compost facility in Manchester Township.
Moisture content and temperature of the leaf windrows dictate how often and when we rotate the leaf piles.
Township staff trimming trees in Green Lane Farms
Trees and branches cleared from along the roadside that were once burned are now chipped. The "chips" have been used throughout the Township parks as mulch, controlling erosion and helping to retain water in the soil. Wood chips that have been chipped one time are also available for use by residents on a first come first serve basis.