Office Hours:
Mon-Fri (except holidays)
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Public Notices

Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Update 2025

Please click the following links for a copy of the - Notice of Request for Proposals or RFP Comprehensive Zoning Update 2025

Any questions or comments regarding the RFP should be directed to Stephen Waller, Codes Administration Director by email at ZONING@twp.fairview.pa.us or by calling 717-901-5222. 


Red Land Senior Center seeking new location - for detailed information click link below
RLSC new location search press release


Public Hearing Notice
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
► DEP 4-17-24 Public Presentation
 ► DEP 3-6-24 Final Newberry Twp. Bulletin


Northeastern Senior Center Providing Home Delivered Meals

It has been over 2 years since we’ve had “normal” hours of operation, but we are pleased to announce that as of April 5th, we will be open 5x a week again. There will be hot meals available for all these days. Frozen congregates will no longer be available on Wednesdays, but if you like “take-out” meals they will continue 5x a week (till further notice), but you must let us know your intentions ahead of time. Friendly reminder, we must know by 10am one business day ahead.
It is unknown when we will resume 3x a week with hot meals for HDM clients, but it will be returning in the next few months and volunteers will be needed!  Days: Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays from 10am-1pm. If you are in need of Home-Delivered meals you must call the Area Agency on Aging at 717-771-9610.  
There is also a possibility that AARP will bring back their Safe Driving Courses in the fall of the year, but you will need to stay tuned in future newsletters.

 Additionally, our website has moved and you can now find us at:
Northeastern Senior Center
PO Box 386      131 Center Street        Mt. Wolf, PA 17347       717-266-1400
*Website : http://www.nassc.org
The “Home Delivered Meals Program” is designed to provide a well-balanced daily meal to homebound older adults who are unable to prepare adequate meals for themselves and have no means for assuring healthful nutrition.  Meals are delivered Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,  The Northeastern Senior Center is seeking volunteers for home delivered meals, please call (717) 266-1400 if you are interested.  The home delivered meal service is not a cost shared service.  Monetary donations can be made to the York County Agency on Aging. 










