Welcome to the Building, Planning and Zoning page, better known as the Codes Administration Office.
The Codes Administration Office is responsible for many different functions within Fairview Township. Below is a brief description of some of the office's primary functions:
§ Administration of the Subdivision/Land Development Ordinances
§ Review of plans to verify compliance with the adopted ordinances.
§ Presentation of the submitted projects to the various boards and commissions.
§ Inspection of all improvements associated with development.
· § Administration and Enforcement of the Zoning Ordinances
§ Review of all subdivision and land development plans for compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
§ Interpretations of the zoning ordinance and zoning map.
§ Review and issuance of zoning permits for new structures, home occupations, change of use of a property and non-conformance certificates.
§ Inspection of properties for compliance to zoning ordinance requirements.
§ Enforcement of zoning ordinance violations such as grass, junk, non-permitted uses.
§ Attendance and testimony at township Zoning Hearing Board Meetings associated with relief request.
§ Administration of the adopted Building Codes
§ Responsible for issuance of all building permits within the township.
§ Advises the public, contractors, and engineers concerns and questions regarding building codes as they relate to a specific project; and determine the degree of compliance necessary for the construction project.
§ Maintain records, reports and collection of any applicable permit fees.
§ Enforcement of Property Maintenance Codes for health, safety and welfare in existing occupied structures.
The office is currently staffed by a Codes Administrative Assistant - Renee Holt; a Building Inspector - Shawn Lechene; the MS-4 Coordinator/Sewage Enforcement Officer - Paul Rodrigo; a Stormwater Specialist - Jim Kaiser, R.L.A ; and the Codes Administration Director - Stephen Waller.
It is our offices intent to provide a considerable amount of information on our webpage as we strive to make the permit process and township ordinances more accessible to the community. We are constantly upgrading and fine tuning our webpage but we currently are providing both building and zoning permit applications, copies of the Codified Ordinances and several information guides to help assist with the application process. All current fees associated with the Codes Office can be found HERE.
We welcome any suggestions or ideas that you may have that will allow us to improve the effectiveness of this webpage.
Thank you for visiting our Codes Administration Office Webpage.