Refuse & Recycling collection calendar provides the dates of all Curbside waste collection, delayed pickups as well as our Christmas tree collection date: 2025 Fairview Twp. Trash and Recycling Calendar
UPDATE: Christmas tree collection 2025 has been moved to Saturday, January 25th.
Appliances with Freon Require a Special Pick-Up
If you have any appliances with freon in them, please contact us via 717-767-4456 to schedule a special pick-up. Some examples of appliances with freon are: refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers, air conditioners and water coolers. |
York County Solid Waste Authority presents a "Pick Up PA Event"!!! Please click on link for more volunteer opportunities for your group or organization...Pick Up PA Event .pdf
Penn Waste(Waste Connections) was awarded a five-year contract, 01/01/22 through 12/31/26, to collect refuse, recyclables, and yard waste for our Township.
Fairview Township's recycling program is mandatory and is in accordance with Pennsylvania State Law (Act 101).
Sign up for Email Updates from Penn Waste
How to Manage Residential Waste:
Fires and explosions
We had a truck fire occur earlier in the week due to a resident disposing of pool chemicals with their household waste. Pool chemicals, rechargeable batteries, live ammunition and propane tanks cannot go in the trash or recycling as they can cause truck fires. If they do manage to get to a disposal site, they can lead to other issues.
Which leads to our second incident, which occurred this morning. We had an explosion at our recycle center when a propane tank made it to the end of our sorting process to the bailer. The pressure ended up causing an explosion. Please see below for images on both events. Luckily no one was hurt in either occasion.

Recycle Guidelines
Recycling Instructions
The following items may all be combined in the recycling container.
Penn Waste-Recycling should not be placed in plastic bags before placed in your recycling bin
https:tanglers & what should not be placed into your recycle bin(short video)
Recycling - Commercial Establishments
Commercial Establishments are required to recycle. Call your waste hauler to set up recycling service if you do not have one.
By Ordinance, at the end of each year and on a form provided by the Township, the establishment shall provide a list of items recycled and the weight of each item.
Vehicle Recycling
Wheels For Wishes is a nonprofit organization benefiting Make-A-Wish for the greater Pennsylvania and West Virginia areas. For more information on vehicle donations please visit their website
Vehicles for Veterans is a nonprofit car donation program that benefits disabled veterans with proceeds from donated vehicles. For more information on this program, please visit their website
Veteran Car Donations is an organization that accepts both working and non-working vehicles to provide assistance to veterans and their families. To learn more about this program, please visit
Breast Cancer Car Donations - A nonprofit partner of American Breast Cancer Foundation and WINGS (Women involved in Nurtuting, Giving, Sharing).
Donating your vehicle provides funding for prevention, screening and diagnosis, treatment and/or cure of breast cancer. On top of helping these non-profits with their life-saving missions, donating your vehicle provides yourself an IRS tax-deduction. For more information click link below:
Collection Limit
Per contract, a maximum of three bag/cans (3) plus the trash toter provided by Penn Waste will be collected per week from each household. Each container is limited to 40lbs. and trash cans may not exceed 32 gallons in size.
Additional Bags
You will need to contact Penn Waste directly @ 717-767-4456
Start Time
The hauler starts collection at 6:00a.m. Place bags/cans and recycling bin out the night before your collection day or by 6 AM the morning of collection.
The following holidays are observed by the hauler: New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Note: if a holiday falls on a weekend, it may not affect collection. You may verify collection schedule via the Penn Waste website by clicking on the link provided ( or through newspaper advertisement
Tires are considered a large item. Please see large item pickup guidelines below.
The following may be placed (carefully) in your regular trash: oil-based paint, latex paint, turpentine, paint thinners, shellac, lacquer, varnish, strippers, and removers, by adding shredded paper or kitty litter to paint can to absorb any liquid. Once liquid inside is dried up, place lid back on securely and place in trash bag.
Please note that bags may not exceed 40 lbs.
Large Item Pickup Guidelines
These items require a 48 hour prior notification to Penn Waste at (717) 767-4456. Penn Waste Large Items Guidelines (.pdf file, 275 kb)
Household Hazardous Waste
Many products used in the home are considered hazardous waste and cannot be disposed of with ordinary refuse. Examples are pesticides, oven and drain cleaners, flammables such as gasoline, bleach, and pool chemicals. The York County Solid Waste and Refuse Authority conducts an annual collection of hazardous products.
Household Hazardous Waste
County Solid Waste Authority
(717) 845-1066
By Ordinance, at the end of each year and on a form provided by the Township, the establishment shall provide a list of items recycled and the weight of each item.
Illegal Dumping
- It is a violation of Township Ordinances to dispose of refuse or garbage on any property, body of water, or roadway.
- The Township's contractor must collect residential refuse.
- A licensed collector must collect the refuse for commercial, municipal, institutional, and multi-family properties (6 or more units and mobile home parks).
Fairview Township will no longer accept ANY batteries for recycling. Due to industry changes, the presence of heavy metals in alkaline batteries has significantly been reduced. All batteries unless recharchable should now be disposed of in your regular household trash.