Highway Department
This map is for reference use only and not considered an official map. Individuals may contact the Township for specific information and/or questions regarding this map.
Get the map -> Fairview Township Roadway Map (209 KB file)
Important WINTER Notice to Residents: PennDot to Plow All State Roads in Township
PennDot will provide snow removal and winter maintenance on all state roads in our Township.
The following are the state roads in our Township:
- Andersontown Road
- Cedars Road
- Fishing Creek Road
- Lewisberry Road
- Marsh Run Road
- Moores Mountain Road
- Mt. Airy Road
- Nauvoo Road
- Normandy Memorial Drive
- Old Forge Road
- Old Stage Road (Cedars Rd to Old Forge Rd)
- Old York Road (Iron Bridge to Wyndamere Rd)
- Pinetown Road
- Poplar Road
- Potts Hill Road
- Ridge Road (Fishing Creek Rd to Schoolhouse Lane)
- Ross Avenue
- Rossville Road
- Salem Road (north of Wyndamere Rd)
- Siddonsburg Road
- Spanglers Mill Road
- Valley Road
- Wyndamere Road
- Yorktown Road
The first priority of the Township to our residents must be to maintain Township roads. The Township, by contract, had plowed some PennDot roads. However, the number of Township roads has significantly increased over the past several years. Regulations and the safe operation of vehicles by our staff limit the number of hours each driver can operate a vehicle. As the Township road mileage has increased, the Township must have more operators to provide the needed response for snow removal. Therefore, PennDot will provide winter maintenance on all of their roads starting with this winter season.
Please call PennDot at (717) 848-6230, option 0, on any winter maintenance issues on state roads
Plows & Driveways

Plows travel down the right side of the roadway, the same direction as normal traffic flow. Plows will put snow at the end of driveways. To minimize the amount of snow placed by a plow, put shoveled snow on the right side of the driveway as you look from your driveway into the street.,/p>
Reminder: All major roads must be cleared first before we can begin plowing the streets in your neighborhood or development.
Playing Basketball in the Streets
With the popularity of basketball and the growing availability of portable basketball goals, more people are taking to the streets to play basketball. This is creating a growing concern for the safety of those playing in the streets and the impact on traffic movement. In most situations, the backboard and rim extend past the curb line, creating an obstruction for motorists, Township maintenance (snow plowing, street sweeping, leaf collection), refuse trucks, school buses and fire trucks.
We understand your concern for a recreation area near your home but we must consider the needs of the motoring public, as well as the safety of you and your family. It is our position that basketball goals placed in or near the street are a violation of Section 2326 of the Second Class Township Code, which prohibits obstructions and nuisances along any public road in a township.
If you have basketball poles and appurtenances, we ask that you move them out of the right-of-way along the street and back onto your property or driveway where they will not obstruct any vehicles or equipment, or be a potential cause of accident or injury. Thank you for your cooperation.
We would also remind you that basketball courts for public use are located at Roof Park, Green Lane Park and New Market Park.